We Sell…
Farm Equipment Repair
At Engelmeyer Repair LLC, we know that when there’s work to be done, you need your machine running smoothly and efficiently. We are here to make sure your equipment keeps getting the job done, season after season. We offer service and repair to most all farm equipment. We are also able to offer on-farm/field service for your farm equipment.

Our Services
About Us
It was 2016 when the farm equipment dealership that Joe Engelmeyer worked for went out of business. But Joe knew the area was still in need of a farm equipment repair shop. He was fortunate to have a close friend offer the use of his farm shop to get the business started. Shortly after, Joe was approached about taking on the Ariens Gravely contract for the area. Joe decided that this was a great idea as Ariens Gravely products are the best in the industry – and because the dealership that Joe worked in previously sold and serviced them – he was familiar with the products. The business started to grow so Joe, his wife Amy and their three children decided it was time to move back to West Point to continue to grow the business. They both grew up in West Point and knew that it was a great place to live and raise a family. In the fall of 2017, the current location for Engelmeyer Repair LLC started to take shape. The shop building is built next to their home. Joe’s uncle Kenny, who has over 40 years of farm equipment repair knowledge and a wealth of small equipment knowledge, started working with Engelmeyer Repair LLC from the start.